Monday 14 November 2016

Hooke's Law Experiment

Hooke's Law Experiment

Daniel Goh (28880935)
Assignment I


Hooke's law is a physics principle that states that the force, F applied to extend or compress a spring by some distance, X is directly proportional to that distance or extension. Hooke's law has a given formula of F=kX, where k is the stiffness of spring and it is a spring constant in newtons per metre, N/m, and X is the extension of spring in metres, m. The law came from a British physicist Robert Hooke from the 17th century. It was stated in 1660 by him as a Latin anagram. The solution to the anagram was then published by him in 1678 as: ut tensio, sic vis ("as the extension, so the force" or "the extension is proportional to the force")



Deformation of y1

X= Force applied (N)
Y1=Deformation of Y1(mm)

Table 1.1

Given the values in Table 1.1, we are able to plot a graph as show below.

From the graph above we are able to get the values of a and b with the equation y1= a1.5583x + 1.375 
a= 1.5583
b= 1.375

Deformation of y1 and y2

Table 1.2

The table above shows the values for the Deformation of y1 and y2 (mm).
The deformation of y2 can be calculated with the equation,

y2=(a+0.5)x + c 

where c = 0.2

Given the values in Table 1.2 we are then able to plot a graph of Force Applied(N) or X against Deformation of y1 and y2, mm.

Force Applied against Deformation of y1 and y2 

Referring to the graph above, we are able to obtain the equation of the line of deformation y2 as,

y2 = 2.0583x + 0.2

As the line of best fit is plotted, it indicates that the Force applied (N) is directly proportional to the Deformation of y1 and y2. In other words, as the Force applied increases, the deformation of y1 and y2 increases.

Material y1 is stiffer compared to material y2 as the line of deformation of y2 has a greater gradient compared to the line of deformation of y1.

The point of intersection can be obtained by using the substitution method as shown below.
y1 = 1.5583x + 1.375 ----- 
y2 = 2.0583x + 0.2     -----   

1.5583x + 1.375 = 2.0583x + 0.2

0.5x = 1.175 

x = 2.35

when x = 2.35,
y=2.0583(2.35) + 0.2
y = 5.037

The point of intersection is (2.35 , 5.037)

Deformation of Z
Table 1.3

Table 1.3 shows the deformation of Z.
The deformation of Z can be calculated with equation shown below.

Z = X³ + b
where b = 1.375

From the values given in Table 1.3, we are able to plot the graph of Force applied against Deformation of z, mm.

The graph can be analysed to obtain the equation of line Z as shown below,
Based on the graph, we are able to say that material Z does not obey Hooke's Law because it has entered the plastic region. The exponential line indicates that as force is applied to the material, it will be permanently displaced and will never return to its original form.


Based on the results of this experiment, this experiment relates closely to Hooke's Law. The experiment of material y1 and y2 shows that Hooke's Law is true. The larger the force applied on material y1 and y2, the greater the deformation of material y1 and y2. On the other hand, the experiment of material Z is proven that it does not obey Hooke's Law as material Z is unable to return to its original form and is permanently displaced. Throughout this experiment, a few errors were met that can be improved such as:
1. Human error
- Eyesight must be perpendicular to the metre ruler when taking reading

2. Inaccurate results obtained
- The experiment must be repeated to obtain an average reading 


1. BBC. 2014. Hooke's Law.  
Available at:
[Accessed 14 November 2016].

2. Google UK. 2016. Hooke's Law.  
[Accessed 14 November 2016].

Thursday 13 October 2016

Google yourself

1. How many of the first 10 hits are links to pages about you (rather than people with the same name)?
--- None.

2. If none, how many search pages do you have to go through to find one about you? (link at the bottom under Goooooooooogle)
--- None.

3. Answer the following questions in your blog post, under the heading "Googling Myself":

Why do you think were there so many or so few hits about you?
--- There were quite a few people who are more famous than me with similar names.

Would you prefer to have more or less hits, and why?
---I would prefer to have less hits, I prefer not to expose my personal details.

What might the benefits of having lots of hits on Google be in the future?
---It would be easier to obtain information about ourselves, we might even find information about ourselves that we didn't even know about.

What potential downsides are there to having many hits on Google?
---Our identity might be stolen and our information may be used in a wrong way in the wrong hands.

Explain why your Google-presence may help or hinder you getting a job after your degree.
---People online may use our information against us, our past mistakes may also be remembered and be exposed and people may misunderstand us.


1. What information is available on this public profile? Are there photos visible? Are your interests visible?
--- Only my photos are visible to the public.

2. What makes you uncomfortable about the visibility of this information, and why?
--- People may use this information in other places without my permission or against me.

3. Explain why you would be happy/unhappy for a potential employer to see this page.
--- It may unveil personalities that the employer doesn't know about me.


1. How many "Inappropriate Content" alerts did you receive?
--- None.

2. Why do you think Reppler flagged this content as "inappropriate"?
--- I didn't receive any alerts. 

3. How would you explain this content to a potential employer at interview?
--- I didn't receive any alerts

4. How many privacy and security risk alerts did you receive?
--- None.

5. Explain why they are privacy or security risks. How might someone nefarious use this information to harm or inconvenience you?
--- I didn't receive any alerts.

Facebook Friends

1. How do you think Facebook calculates this?
--- By number of frequent visits and chats.

2. Do any of the people at the top of your on the list surprise you? 
--- Nope.

3. Why do you think they are near the top?
--- Because I had conversations with them often.

4. Would you be happy or unhappy to show this list to your Facebook friends, and why?
--- Unhappy, because my personal activities will be exposed.

Privacy settings and tidying up

1. What group of people can see posts that you make in the future?
--- Friends.
2. If it is public, are you happy that everyone on Facebook can potentially see everything you write?
--- It is not public.
3. If it is Friends of Friends, what are the implications of posting to a relatively large group of people that you may not know?
--- Only my Facebook friends can see my posts.
4. Who can look you up and can search engines link to your Timeline? Who could potentially see your Timeline if this is set to On?
--- Only my friends and no search engines can link to my timeline.
5. How many apps are listed as having access to some or all of your data? How many do you remember authorizing?
--- None.
6. Do you trust all of those applications to use your data responsibly? Why?
--- No, they might use my information without my permission.
7. If one of these applications were bought by another company, would you consider removing the app from Facebook? Why?
--- Depends on what company bought the application.